The Goal – Week 38




No one cares whether I work out but me.  (ok, me plus my trainer.)

And this should be an obvious thing but for some reason I just didn’t get it until now.

I don’t mean that my friends and family aren’t supportive of my goals.  They totally are and I could not appreciate it more.

But when it comes down to it, my workout time is not their highest priority.  And that’s ok…now that I get it.

I have lots of responsibilities in my life.  I say ‘yes” to many things.  And I mostly regret nothing.  I am blessed with groups of  people and organizations that I enjoy working with and for.  I’m not one of those people that declares “I must focus on me!”  and assume that means I can focus on no one else.  But I admit I have had a difficult time asserting myself over the last few months.  Ok, who am I kidding?  My whole dang life!  It’s hard for me to say “No I can’t do that important thing because it conflicts with my workout time.”  It’s hard because it feels selfish and I hate selfishness more than pickled okra.

But surely there is a sweet spot somewhere between rampant narcissism and self flagellating martyr?  If so, I hope to find it.  Because I don’t know how to put myself first but I’m trying hard not to put myself last.


  1. Clearly we need to have a discussion about the health benefits of pickled okra! 😉

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