Archives for August 2010


“One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity nothing beats teamwork.”

Mark Twain

Happy Anniversary Kevin

I remember what life was like without you.

I remember the loneliness that was so deep I feared I might drown in it.

I remember the sorrow that permeated even the parts of my life that should have held joy.

I remember the prayers that I offered endlessly.

“Please God”

I remember the moment that I knew you were the answer.

I know how perfectly imperfect you are.

But I do not care.

Because I remember what life was like without you.

The Invisible Woman

This will cure your martyr complex in less than 6 minutes.


“The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes.”

– Harold B. Lee (1899 – 1973)