The Goal – Week 16

The Goal – Week 16



I feel like food and I need intensive couples counseling.  In fact, I wish divorce was an option.

But that’s the problem isn’t it?  Food can not be escaped.

One of the great things about developing a habit is that you remove the ‘thinking’ part of the equation.  For example, I work out almost every week day at the same time.  Other than choosing my clothing the night before, I spend NO time thinking about going to the gym.

Wanna know how many times a day I think about food?

It’s probably around 6, 731.

Yours may be lower.  I don’t know your life.

And these are not all obsessive food addict thoughts.  Just making a decent choice for a snack or meal requires some time and mental activity.  I’ve tried very hard to automate at least one meal a day by having the same thing for breakfast all the time.  But I really love food (I know, shocking ain’t it?)  so even when I am completely on track, I like to make and eat foods that taste good.

The hardest part for me is trying to change my view of food. Food got me into this mess and food is the only thing that can get me out. And that’s just DIFFICULT.  Because I’ve never looked at food as fuel or as medicine. Food has been entertainment, friend, counselor, enemy and so many more things.   

So I’m trying hard to change.  I’m asking myself a new question.  My first thought when thinking of food is not ‘how many calories, fat, carbs, points or whatever. I’m training myself to ask this. “What will this food do for me?”

And this is the only way I know how to even begin to turn my problem into my solution.


  1. Dixie Joslyn :

    I am 67 years old and dieted since I was 10. Well, off and on since I was 10. The only question that has helped me is “am I mouth hungry or stomach hungry?” If I am mouth hungry then skip it. If it’s stomach hunger then eat just till the hunger goes away (preferably with something healthy). Now, does it work? It seems to be working better for me now but to be honest…..I never have conquered this too-much-food thing.

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