The Goal – Week 17



Some days are just hard.

I realize that sentence should be filed under ‘Duh’. Today I want to eat the chocolate cake that I tried to ‘hide’ from myself in the freezer.  Please don’t ask me why I have chocolate cake in the freezer.  It’s a long story and I come off looking like a moron in it.

But I really want that cake.  I don’t care that it’s frozen.  I don’t care about this stupid goal I set.  I don’t care about diabetes or heart disease.  I don’t care about anything but eating that cake.  Which is friggin embarrassing, ya’ll.  I’m a grown woman.  I deny myself stuff every ding dong day.  That’s what grown women do.

Before a full on ‘cake meltdown’ ensued, I decided to try a little self pep talk.  So I said “How will eating this cake make me feel?” If I was writing some kind of awesome, helpful story here the  answer might be “Cake is no good for me.  I shall eat broccoli instead!” And that would be fantastic and inspirational wouldn’t it?

Unfortunately my ‘self’ is a bit of a smart butt.  My self knows full well that eating that cake would make me feel fantastic.  All that delicious fat and sugar mixed together to form one of the best things this side of Heaven.  All that quick sugar fueled energy.  Heck I might even get the house cleaned for the first time this year…if I would just eat the cake.

But before I grabbed a spoon and pulled up a chair in front of the freezer, I asked myself one  more question.  “How will eating this cake now make me feel this time next year? ”

You see I know the answer to that question all too well.

How many years have I been in bondage to that damn cake?

Too many.

How many more years am I content to stay that way?

Not one stinkin more.


**Side Note – Is there any other person in the world who blogs about cake as much as me?  Does anyone know executives at Duncan Hines?  Because at this point, I think corporate sponsorship is the only way I can justify another cake post.**

***Side Note 3 – The picture on this post is a coincidence.  I didn’t eat the cake.  I threw it away.  And yes I cried over it.  Let’s agree to never mention this again, ok?***


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