Archives for November 2014

The Goal – Week 45

The Goal – Week 45



I got a glimpse of how easy it would be to quit.

Of course I have quit many attempts regarding weight loss many, many times in my life.  But this time is different.  Even with my slow progress, I must admit I’m a bit cocky about this process.  I just refuse to accept failure as an option.

So when I went out of town for a MUCH needed vacation with my husband, I wasn’t concerned in the least about my goal.  I have been a steady presence at the gym for 15 months.  I have gone on several vacations during that time.  I go.  I come back.  It’s never been an issue.

But this time I went.  I came home.  And I could not bring myself to go back to the gym.  The first day back I was like a jetlagged zombie.  I just wandered around the house attempting to unpack and re-acclimate myself to life. And that’s ok.  But day 2 dawned and  ya’ll…

I. Just. Could. Not.

I honestly have no idea why.

I had a great trip.  I won’t insult you by suggesting that I ate nothing but kale and unsalted almonds the whole week.  But I actually did pretty well.  And by ‘well’ I mean I wasn’t double dunking doughnuts in the 700 area Starbucks.  I take my victories where I can get them friends.

And I wasn’t dreading going back to the gym.  I didn’t actually even think about it.

Missing the first day was no big deal.  I’m a busy person.  I didn’t feel 100%.

Wanna know the scariest part?  Missing the second day was even easier.  I didn’t even feel the need for an excuse.

By the third day, something had to give.  I trudged through the house, retrieved my workout clothes (i.e pajamas)  and laced up my shoes.

I drove to the gym and developed a pounding headache.  It’s probably dangerous to get on the spin bike with a blinding migraine that might be a brain ailment, right? But I did.  And the pain just got worse for the next 50 minutes.  And when that workout was over, I still had a headache.  Apparently those mighty endorphins are not the miraculous things we were led to believe.  I’m convinced skipping the exercise wouldn’t have cured the headache either.  And if I had skipped class for the third time with no good excuse, how much easier would it be to skip the 4th or the 5th?  I am so thankful that my vacation from the gym was not permanent.

I see how it happens now.  Nobody plans to quit.  Nobody wakes up and says “Sure, I’ll keep paying for that membership for the next ten months but I am never going back.” Nobody buys an overpriced treadmill with the intention of using it for 6 weeks and then allowing it to fill them with guilt and shame for a year before finally sacrificing it to Craigslist.  Nobody does it on purpose.

They say (whoever ‘they’ are) that it takes 30 days to form a habit but I disagree.

I think it takes a lifetime. Because it’s only a habit until you stop doing it.

The Goal – Week 46

The Goal – Week 46



I keep thinking this whole endeavor is going to get easier.  Or, at the very least, that it will stop being so hard.

And it’s not.

Part of this process for me is grieving the loss of my fantasy scenario.  I have to accept and make peace with the fact that there is no magical day in my future where not being or getting fat will be effortless.

This annoys me.